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Writer's pictureMV Meadow

Petition: Protect Hundreds of Dogs From Cruel Deaths in Racing Industry Blood Sport

Posted by Tiffany White on

Photo Credit: Jannik Selz (

Target: Zac Goldsmith, UK Minister for Animal Welfare

Goal: Support ban on cruelty-laden greyhound racing that kills innocent animals.

Despite holding significantly fewer races in 2020, the last year of lockdowns still saw the deaths of over 400 greyhound dogs in Great Britain. This number is only a slight alteration of deaths reported from previous years. Half of these animals died on the track, while the remainder were euthanized because they were ill or officials believed they could not be “re-homed.”

This so-called sport has a long and tragic legacy of animal cruelty. These inherently sweet animals are essentially deprived of any companionship, affection, or comfort. Their only “freedom” comes for the brief moments when they are let out of their lifelong cages to race –sometimes to death—for the entertainment of spectators. Abuse, injuries, and malnourishment are rampant. When the captive animal is finally retired, sometimes his or her life gets even harder. Reports of discarded greyhounds being used in medical experiments have emerged. More, however, are starved or euthanized because they are deemed no longer useful or profitable.

These ongoing horrors, compounded by the report verifying that hundreds of animals still lost their lives in 2020, have renewed calls for a ban on this blood-sport across the United Kingdom (UK). Sign the petition below to join in these calls for compassion and decisive action.


Dear Mr. Goldsmith,

You recently stated that “greyhounds deserve the highest level of care not only during their racing career but also in their retirement that follows.” Yet you followed these words with a truly perplexing statement touting “improved outcomes for greyhounds following retirement from racing “ as “positive progress.” Sir, do the deaths of over 400 greyhounds during a year that saw massive lockdowns spell progress to you? How about the documentaries exposing the widespread culling and euthanizing of these animals for so-called “poor performance”…not to mention the many exposes detailing other atrocities they routinely endure?

You took an oath to ensure the well-being of all UK animals. This mission is your job and responsibility. Do not become just another politician in the pocket of special interests. Do your duty and endorse a ban on this cruel relic that exploits and slaughters animals for profit.


[Your Name Here]

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